Jasmin Cornejo
My name is Jasmin Cornejo, a first generation Latinx American, pursing a B.S in Computer
Science with a minor in math at California State University Stanislaus.
I am currently a CAHSI scholar, a McNair Scholar, an Honors student, and the President of the
Computer Science club.I always try to make the most of where I am. I took an honors course on research
proposal writing and wrote my very first research proposal in the spring semester of my Junior year.
It was approved and I receive a stipend from the McNair Scholars program to do my research the summer
of 2019. I have since completed my research and presented it virtually due to the COVID pandemic. I
completed a research internship for Lehigh University the summer of 2020. I’m currently a Louis Stokes
Alliances for Minority Participation (LSAMP) research intern at my university, working on a project
that involves human in the loop artificial intelligence (A.I). My interest are A.I, Machine Learning,
and Software Engineering.