Students in Tech

Come learn about college and succeeding in the field of computer science!

Join us as a virtual panel of Computer Science majors answer questions and give advice about succeeding as a student in technology, as well as sharing their personal goals and experiences.

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Meet Our Panelists & Moderator

Edd Castillo

Hi, I'm currently a senior pursuing my Bachelor's in Computer Science.

I like to challenge myself to experience different languages and different branches of computer science. I like to attend hackathons and trying different fun learning activities. I believe that putting yourself out there to learn and grabbing any opportunity that you can get is the key to being successful. A little about myself, my grade point average is below 3, I've never been the top of my class, and I've failed programming classes multiple times. Through hard work and passion, I'm now set to graduate this May and working as a programmer in a local company in Turlock.

Chris Gallo

My name is Chris Gallo, I'll be graduating this May from Stan State with my bachelor's in Computer Science.

I'm currently working at Starship Technologies in Modesto doing some Software Development and starting August I'll be working at Northrop Grumman doing Software Engineering. My main focus in computer science has been on web development, however, I've also done some mobile development and worked with Arduinos and Raspberry Pi.

Marlen Martinez

I’m a Ronald E. McNair Scholar and I’m currently working as a research assistant for two research projects:

1. CS education with Dr. Cueponcaxochitl and 2. Medical Big Data Analysis with Dr. Dae Hee Kim. Last summer I interned as a software engineer intern at Northrop Grumman. This summer, I will be participating in Carnegie Mellon’s HCII research program.

Jasmin Cornejo

My name is Jasmin Cornejo, a first generation Latinx American, pursing a B.S in Computer Science with a minor in math at California State University Stanislaus.

I am currently a CAHSI scholar, a McNair Scholar, an Honors student, and the President of the Computer Science club.I always try to make the most of where I am. I took an honors course on research proposal writing and wrote my very first research proposal in the spring semester of my Junior year. It was approved and I receive a stipend from the McNair Scholars program to do my research the summer of 2019. I have since completed my research and presented it virtually due to the COVID pandemic. I completed a research internship for Lehigh University the summer of 2020. I’m currently a Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation (LSAMP) research intern at my university, working on a project that involves human in the loop artificial intelligence (A.I). My interest are A.I, Machine Learning, and Software Engineering.